Learning Opportunities

From individual tutorials to workshops and seminars, you can choose the way you want to study.

The Five Worlds Reading

This simple, easy-to-learn spread is designed to answer a question on multiple levels, from an action’s impact in the physical world to all the way up to how it affects your connection to the Divine.

At the same time, because the spread is just five cards, a reading can take as little as ten minutes. With only five cards, you can answer Yes/No questions with depth and insight beyond a simple Yes/No answer. 

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Kabbalistically Speaking: Learn to Read Tarot Using the Tree of Life.

One of the best known and least understood spreads is the Tree of Life reading. Based on the Kabbalistic understanding of the flow of Divine energy through all creation—including our bodies—in this workshop you will learn how to use this spread for your own spiritual development and for the benefit of people you read for. 


Make Every Day Count: A 49-Day Path to Liberation using Tarot & Kabbalah.

Learn how to make every day count through the Kabbalistic practice of Counting the Omer. This practice takes you on an inner journey, following the path of the ancient Israelites from their first day of freedom to their arrival at Mt. Sinai 49-days later. Using tarot for this practice can strengthen your spiritual container to hold and share ever greater light.